Nature and Forest Therapy GuidesEnglish

Host a Training

If your organization has a suitable venue for forest therapy training and are interested in pursuing an opportunity to do so, please let us know.

​Our ideal venue is a retreat / training center where there are trail / forest ecosystems that are suitable for Forest Therapy. The center has camping space, indoor accommodation, catering, an indoor space to gather, and an outdoor fire pit.

We are frequently contacted by organizations that are interested in offering Forest Therapy Guide Trainings and retreats on their land. We welcome these contacts. Forest Therapy is a worldwide movement, and there is an opportunity for regional training centers to emerge. The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs connects our qualified trainers with venues, provides high-quality standards-based curriculum, and promotes and manages courses worldwide.

Our events typically range from 4 to 8 days in duration. Group size is typically 20 people. If you feel your site may be a good fit, please use the button below to complete an information form. While we do require some criteria for venues, not everything listed on this form is a requirement; we’re just interested in knowing what the options are at your location.